Saturday 22 September 2012

Tuna on a Stick!

Fun tuna recipe of the day!

Hey bitches, here's a recipe for all you crazy motherfuckers out there who like their tuna extra fresh. This recipe creates a delectable little dish I like to call tuna on a motherfucking stick. It's easy to make and is a great meal for people of all shapes, sizes, and sexual orientations. 

Start off by going and catching yourself one big motherfucking tuna, harpoon that bitch so you don't have to buy any shitty little kabob skewers or anything. Next get that grill fired up and running nice and hot. While that's heating up go and mix yourself a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, and 1 teaspoon of wasabi powder mixed with a touch of water. Shove your big juicy sexy ass tuna in with all that saucey shit and marinate for 10 minutes. Finally take that skewered tuna and grill his ass up for 5-10 minutes.

In my experience it works best if you just use your dick as a skewer and get some bitches to eat right off it. 

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Tuna Cake!

Fun tuna recipe of the day!

Hey bitshes, I know you've all missed me so I've got a sexyhot new recipe for you today!

Start off by getting yourself a big ol' can of the solid white shit. Make sure it's real solid, the bigger and harder the better. Once you've got them tuna open that can up and place it upside down on your counter. Smack the bottom of that shit until the block of tuna comes out. If it doesn't come out in one piece you fucked up hard. Now take some icing or sprinkles or whatever shit you want on there and spread it on top. Slice into eight equal pieces and feed to the bitshes, tuna cake for all! 


Friday 10 February 2012

Tuna Cupcakes

Fucking yum, just shove some tuna in those bitches so they smell like fish.

Thursday 2 February 2012


Fun tuna recipe of the day!

Holy fucking shit have I got a tuna and a half of a recipe today. PEANUT BUTTER NUTELLA BROWNIES! You'll need 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cocoa powder, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, a pinch of salt, a stick of butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 large eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 2/3 cup of chocolate chips, 1/4 cup nutella, and 1/4 cup peanut butter.

Start by preheating your furnace to 350 degrees, scrape off any remaining jew if you've been making Tunabaked Potatoes recently, and grease up a baking pan.

Then take a small bowl and whisk the flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salts together. In a large bowl combine the melted butter with the sugars. Stir in those eggs and add the vanilla. Stir in all the rest of that shit other than the Nutella and peanut butter. Put the Nutella and peanut butter in a bowl and microwave that shit until it's runny, fold it into the brownie batter. 

Shove all that crap into your pan and bake for 20-25 minutes, shove your cock in it from time to time and if any brownie sticks to it then it still needs a bit more time in the oven.

Tuna Misconceptions Debunked!

What's up bitches. Today I'm going to start my first debunking of common tuna myths. Number 1 tuna myth, tuna contains mercury. Well guess what faggots, mercury isn't real. Facts to follow.

Fact 1: Mercury is a fucking planet


Fact 2: Planets don't fit in a fucking can

Fact 3: You're a fucking idiot

Sunday 29 January 2012

Tunabaked Potatos in a Motherfucking Bowl

Fun tuna recipe of the day!

What's up you faggots. Did you miss me? If you answered yes then you just confirmed my first sentence, you're a faggot.

Today we're gonna make one of my favorite recipes, Tunabaked Potatoes in a Motherfucking Bowl. So get out your pipe and start smoking because it's be one fucked up ride bitches! 

You'll need some taters, lots of taters, 500 grams of those fucking taters, that's 500 grams less than a fucking kilogram of taters, so that's a lot of fucking taters. You gonna want an onion, a whole onion, chopped up into little onion babies. Also a teaspoon of garlic and half a teaspoon of oil. Get yourself some cheese cream, cream cheese, crecheaseammmmm, 220 grams of the shit. 1\2 cup of evaporated milk, 3\4 cup of cheddar, and of course, a big ol' can of the fucking tunas!

Preheat that oven to a good jew cooking temp, 350 should do the trick. Chop up those taters, cover them up, then shove em in the microwave for 5 minutes. Shove that onion in a saaaaaop pot and fry it up real good with them garlics and oils.

Stir in some cream cheese chunks until they melt. Break them tunas up and shove them in there too. Drain that shit out and add them taters in along with the evaporated milk then stir it up real good. Finally poor all that chunky stuff into a oven dish and chuck your cheddar on top!

Bake for 25 minutes and eat up bitches! Make sure you eat it in a Motherfucking BOWL!

Monday 23 January 2012

Tuna Enchiladas!

Fun tuna recipe of the day!

What's up bitches, today we're gonna make us some tuna enchiladas, whatever the fuck those are, wraps or some shit I think. 

Start by heating up a third a cup of oil in a sause pan, add a 28oz can of enchilada sause and a half teaspoon of cumin (google it you faggot I'm not talking about jizz). Combine 2 and a half teaspoons of cold water and 2 and a half tablespoons flour, then mix in with the sause. Heat that sause up until it's thickened and smooth. 

Mix up a can of the tunas and 2 cups of shredded chedda. Set that shit aside for now. Heat up a cup of oil in a frying pan then fry your tortillas lightly until they're soft and flexylike but not crisp. 

Poor a third of a cup of your sause into a casserole dish, take your sausy tortillas and shove some tunamix in there, make more tunamix if you feel like a man. Roll those bitches up and put them in your casserole dish. Shove the rest of the chedda on top and poor on the rest of the sause.

Cover them up with foil and shove 'em in the oven at 350 for half an hour.

Eat that shit like a mexituna.


Nutrition facts:
76 calories
42grams of tunascience
24grams of tuna
26grams omega tunas
Vitamin tuna

Sunday 22 January 2012

Spicybitches Tuna Pizza

Fun tuna recipe of the day!

Oh hai bitches. It's Sunday night and you're probably thinking "what the fuck should I have to eat after I'm done jerking off", well I say make some tuna pizza, but not just any tuna pizza, Spicybitches Tuna Pizza. Like the Spice Girls, but pizza, and tunas.

Start by getting your bitch to go shopping for some tunas, one can should do, and while shes out at the tunamarket tell her to pick up 50 grams of grated cheese, 100 grams flour, a tablespoon of yeast and oil and sugars, and a quarter teaspoon of salt.

Now that you have all your supplies, shove them yeast and sugar in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of water and mix them up. Take that solution and mix it in with your flour and oil and however much water it takes to make a dough. Add that water in a little at a time, don't flood the tunadough. Knead the dough (google it you inbreds, it means to pull and fold repeatedly), for about 5 minutes. Cover that shit with some damp paper towel and wait about 30 minutes for the dough to rise. 

For the toppings take that tuna and mix it up with some veggies of your choice (if you're a man that choice is none at all, in fact, shove another can of tunas in there). Preheat the oven to 375, then roll the dough out and get it all pizzalike, shove on your tuna mix and put that shit in the oven. After about 10 minutes in the oven sprinkle your cheeses on (loads of cheeses) and shove it in for another 5.

Eat up bitches.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Motherfucking Tuna Pancakes

Fun tuna recipe of the day!

Hey you bitches. I've got one fucked up recipe for you today.

Go hit up that Aunt Jemima bitch for some pancake mix. Also make sure to get some malk and a can of the tunas. Shove half a cup of them mix in a bowl, pour in half cup malk and them tuna can. Mix that shit up (Or don't, I don't give a shit).

Get yourself a frying pan and spray it up with some Vagisil (pussies can substitute in Pam). Pour your mix in and spread out into pancakelike shapes. Flip that shit once in a while until cooked. 

Pour on some tuna syrup and eat up. As always get some ugly cunt to try it first because this shit might be lethal.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Tuna Movie Review!

Welcome to the first ever thetunasciencefacts tuna movie review. Today I'll be reviewing the best fucking tuna movie of all time, "JAWS". 

JAWS is a captivating movie to say the least, from the moment that bitch gets fucked up while taking her leisurely swim, to the moment the credits role, JAWS will keep you glued to your seat like a big fat can of tuna.

I could talk about JAWS all fucking day, but I'm running out of shit to say (That rhymes you bitches).

Since that review sucked all kinds of tuna ass, I'll treat you all to another fun tuna recipe of the day!

SexyHot Tuna Casserole!

What you'll need is a bag of them egg noodles, 1 tunas in a can, 2 cans mushroom saaaaaop, 1 can of cream of celery, a bag of broccoli, 1.5 cups of bread crumbs, 1.25 cups of parmesan cheese, and 2 saaaaaop cans of malk (milk if your a faggot).

Cook them noodles up good, then shove the saops and tunas and broccoli and malk in a pan and get it all steaming hot. Mix some parmesan in that shit. Pour all that sauce on your noodle (not your dick you faggot, the egg noodles), stir that shit up then poor it all into a baking dish. 
Shove your new bitch in the oven and cook her up for 25 minutes, then chuck some breadcrumbs on her and giver another 10-15. 

Now go watch JAWS and eat some fucking tuna casserole.

MegaTuna Pie!

Fun tuna recipe of the day!
You eat all them tuna balls up yet? Well I got some tuna deserts for you bitches. This shit will rock your cock!

Get yourself some pie crusts, if you're a bitch you can make your own. The filling consists of an egg, a can of mushshroom saaaaaop (mushroom soup you pussies), a cup of shredded chedda, 3/4 cup mashed taters, and some tunas in a can.

Put all them egg, saaaaaop, 1/2 the chedda, taters, and tunas in a bowl. Mix that shit up and shove it up in them pie crust. 

From there shove that shit in an oven at 350 for 25 minutes until them crusts are golden delicious. Sprinkle the rest of that chedda on top and bake for another 5-10 minutes. Take that shit out the oven and eat up them science facts hard!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Tuna Balls!

Fun tuna recipe of the day!

Check out this awesome tuna recipe I found bros.

All you need is some tunas in a can, 8oz of potato, 2 eggs, breadcrumbs, and some salt and peppaaaaar.

Shove them tunas and potatoes and salts and peppers and 1 egg in a bowl, then mix that shit up. Take that chunky delicious tuna mix and put it into small balls, roll them balls in the 2nd egg and then some breadcrumbs.

Fry that shit up real good for 10 minutes.

Make sure to eat them all up and get those science facts in you, gotta have your tuna to get big bro!