Sunday 22 January 2012

Spicybitches Tuna Pizza

Fun tuna recipe of the day!

Oh hai bitches. It's Sunday night and you're probably thinking "what the fuck should I have to eat after I'm done jerking off", well I say make some tuna pizza, but not just any tuna pizza, Spicybitches Tuna Pizza. Like the Spice Girls, but pizza, and tunas.

Start by getting your bitch to go shopping for some tunas, one can should do, and while shes out at the tunamarket tell her to pick up 50 grams of grated cheese, 100 grams flour, a tablespoon of yeast and oil and sugars, and a quarter teaspoon of salt.

Now that you have all your supplies, shove them yeast and sugar in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of water and mix them up. Take that solution and mix it in with your flour and oil and however much water it takes to make a dough. Add that water in a little at a time, don't flood the tunadough. Knead the dough (google it you inbreds, it means to pull and fold repeatedly), for about 5 minutes. Cover that shit with some damp paper towel and wait about 30 minutes for the dough to rise. 

For the toppings take that tuna and mix it up with some veggies of your choice (if you're a man that choice is none at all, in fact, shove another can of tunas in there). Preheat the oven to 375, then roll the dough out and get it all pizzalike, shove on your tuna mix and put that shit in the oven. After about 10 minutes in the oven sprinkle your cheeses on (loads of cheeses) and shove it in for another 5.

Eat up bitches.

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